18th Century
Maps and the Beginnings of Colonial North America: C3 Activity (Grades 9-12)
Maps and the Beginnings of Colonial North America: Unit Plan (Grades 6-12)
This is part of a set of classroom materials for the Digital Collection Maps and the Beginnings of North America.
Maps and the Beginnings of Colonial North America: Document-Based Questions
This is part of a set of classroom materials for the Digital Collection Maps and the Beginnings of North America.
Maps and the Beginnings of Colonial North America: Visual Literacy Class Activity (Grades K-8)
This is part of a set of classroom materials for the Digital Collection Maps and the Beginnings of North America.
Race, Respectability, and Resilience: African Americans in the Midwest
Voltaire and the French Enlightenment
The Inquisition
The American Gothic
Searching for Ophelia in the Archive
What does the archive offer for the exploration of Shakespeare in the digital age?